Teaching Mathematics: Grade 12 Differential Calculus

Differential Calculus! AAAAHHHHHH!

Okay, my personal feelings aside, let’s move on to the show.

I really enjoyed this show. One of my weaknesses (and I don’t like that I’m admitting this in such a public forum) is that I hate looking like an idiot. In many situations, I choose to stay silent rather than asking why or how. I would also rather accept someone’s explanation and then Google it later, than challenge them if I think they have it wrong. Twanette, however, is the type of person that you challenge and push for an answer, and not feel like an idiot when you ask a stupid question. I’m sure that this is a strength in her classroom. 

Twanette talked us through the order in which she teaches the content and supplied us with a couple of useful worksheets. She tends to teach in a recipe type method, giving her learners step-by-step instructions. The majority of the worksheets she shared follow this tend. The most interesting worksheet on limits was different. This worksheet facilitates an investigation. Twanette said that this year was the first time she had taught limits like this and it had worked great. All of these worksheets can be found here.

We’re still waiting for people to tweet and join the conversation. Remember that you can do this by using #vtmaths.

Let’s look at some of the information found on the slides.


Twanette’s 3 Pressure Points:

First principle
Rules for differentiation
Application of cubic graphs

Good Idea Bad Idea
Teach first principle before rules of differentiation Teach rules of differentiation before first principle
Revise laws of surds before rules of differentiation Not linking laws of surds to rules of differentiation
Teaching differentiation before cubic graphs Teaching cubic graphs before differentiation

Twanette’s 6 Point Teaching Strategy:

Revise the factor and remainder theorem.
Introduce the concept of a limit by investigation.
Introduce the gradient from first principle and use it in examples.
Teach differentiation using rules.
Sketching and analysing cubic graphs.
Word problems based on maxima and minima.

Mindset Resources:










Well, that’s all for now. Remember that our next show will only be on 6 May due to the school holidays. We will be discussing trigonometric functions.

Until next time, happy teaching!

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